Step 5

Interested Parties

The Interested parties list template includes expected stakeholders such as Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Shareholders and Certification Bodies. You can easily tailor these to match your organisation or add new interested parties.

The guidance includes identifying the Needs, Expectations and Requirements of interested parties and lookup columns enable you to select from the Controls and Legal Register to demonstrate how you meet those needs.

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Why you need to define interested parties for your ISO Management System (MS)

Clause 4.2 of the ISO standard requires you to understand the needs and expectations of interested parties. 

Interested parties or ‘Stakeholders’ are people or organisations that influence your ability to meet your quality and regulatory requirements consistently. By understanding their needs and expectations, your MS will help you to identify risks and prevent quality issues from happening or at least determine how to deal with any nonconformities when they occur.

How ISOvA MS software helps you determine interested parties

The ISOvA IMS Toolbox provides you with a template list of interested parties. Lookup columns to your Controls and Legal registers avoids duplication and enables hyperlinks to drill down for further information. 

ISOvA IMS Toolbox Online Demo - Interested Parties
Interested Parties list on the ISOvA IMS Toolbox 

The headings below match the columns provided in your IMS Toolbox:

Title & Activity 

The Title column includes a list of the most common types of interested parties an auditor would expect to see in your MS. The Activity is a summary of what the Interested Party does. You can easily tailor these to match your organisation or add new interested parties: 

ISOvA IMS Toolbox Online Demo - List of Titles and Activities

There is no requirement in the ISO 9001:2015 Standard for you to consider interested parties that are not relevant to its quality management system. It is for the organisation to decide if a particular requirement of a relevant interested party applies to its quality management system.

Needs, Expectations and Requirements 

This column lists the Needs, Expectations and Requirements of your interested parties in your MS. For example, standards, contracts and performance specifications, workplace needs, industry standards or codes of practice for the products and services. Understanding these needs will help you to identify opportunities for improvement. 

Can also consider implicit expectations.

For example, customer expectations could include:

  • ​​​Good quality product and professional service
  • Clear lines of responsibility
  • Good communication and accountability
  • A clear understanding of costs and additional fees that may incur
  • Clear terms and conditions​​​

How we meet those needs 

This column lookups at the Controls list enabling you to easily select all the measures in place that ensure you meet the needs of your interested parties in your MS. 

For example, customers could include:

  • ISO 9001 certification
  • Quality Management System​ (QMS)
  • Documented Policies and Procedures
  • Training and awareness
  • Records of customer feedback


This column lists all the forms of communication required to ensure your interested parties know the quality expectations.

For example, customers could include:

  • Email
  • Telephone conversations
  • Regular progress meetings
  • Key project documentation
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Requirement Requiring Compliance

This column looks up to the Legal Register, enabling you to easily select all the quality compliance requirements of interested parties in your QMS. 

For example, customers could include:

Management Reports

The Interested Parties list data can be filtered and sorted to provide management reports by interested parties, influence, trends, or legal obligations so you can quickly identify the information required for audits and reports.

Line Breaker

Next Step…

Having determined roles, responsibilities, and authorities for your ISO MS, you can now move to the next step:

Step Implementation Guides:

1: Roles & Responsibilities
2: Aims and objectives
3: Controls
4: SWOT Analysis
5: Interested Parties
10: Audit Programme
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